Don’t miss out on our FREE marathon preparation evening!

Complimentary Marathon Preparation Evening with Complete Physio!

Following the success of the last three years, Complete Physio is hosting its fourth annual Complimentary Marathon Preparation Evening to prepare both your body and mind for the grueling 26.2 miles.

Join Sports Physio, Chris Myers and the Complete Physio Team for an evening of marathon preparation. The evening will be packed with insight, experience and education which will aid novice runners through to regular marathon competitors.

The topics being discussed are:

  • Injury prevention with physiotherapist Chris Myers
  • Marathon training plans with personal trainer Ben Leach
  • Optimum nutrition with sports dietitian Rick Miller
  • How to train your brain for success and how to use mental rehearsals to improve performance with hypnotherapist Phil Dobson

The event is totally free and will be held on Wednesday 28th January 2015 at 6:30 p.m. on the 30th Floor of the CityPoint building.

Please click the EventBrite link to find more information and to RSVP, and we look forward to seeing you on the 28th!
Best of luck with your marathon training!



Yoga for runners! New class starting Wednesday 7th January 2015 plus breakfast offer!


January is the month of fresh starts, new training programmes and setting goals!

It is also the month where is dawns on us that we signed up to or a got a place in a big marathon this year!

For runners, training re-starts after the Christmas and new year break. I see a lot of very new and very experienced runners coming in to Physio with niggles after getting back on the road or treadmill. Often one of the causes of ankle, knee hip and lower back pain is a lack of flexibility.

Run fast ( know this and have started a ‘yoga for runners’ class at their store right in the City of london ( with Katrina Kurdy (

Classes are well-rounded, with modifications given to make postures more accessible for beginners or more challenging for the experienced.  You’ll build strength, increase flexibility and there will always be a light-hearted inversion or hand-balance to keep it challenging and fun. This class is specifically tailored for runners so you can expect lots of core exercises, glutes work, stability and proprioception work.

Classes are £15 which includes a free coffee and breakfast! Can’t say fairer than that!

Please contact: to book your place!

For more info:


Yoga for Runners

7:00-8:00 AM

The Running Works

28-30 Houndsditch



Food! Preparation is the key…

Happy new year everyone! Hope you had a great Christmas holiday and have had a good start to the new year!

noun: preparation
the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration.
“the preparation of a draft contract”
a substance that is specially made up, especially a medicine or food.
“there are several effective preparations you can buy over the counter”

So Sunday I finally did what I have been thinking about for a while and actually prepared my food for the week (with the help of my lovely wife)!

Two and a half hours, three options, and twelve full meals later I have food for the next four days!


1. Mexican free-range chicken, spicy black beans, roasted cauliflower and brocolli and mexican rice

2. Mixed protein and brown pasta, free-range chicken and lean bacon, mixed peppers, plum tomatoes and pine nuts

3. Chili Salmon with stir-fried vegetables

All this came to around £40. So £3.30 per meal (plus that was our dinner on the day).

It was a bit of an experiment but the plan is to do this once a week!

Now I just need to get my training back on track…
