Pec mobility drills… for everyone!

Shoulder problems?

With many injuries and restrictions I find the the pectoralis minor is often very tight and more importantly weak.

Whether this is the symptom, cause or just a secondary factor, mobilising this region is very useful.

This is a nice routine to work on the #mobility of this often tight and prohibited region.


– 10 reps arm @ 90 degrees palm up

– 10 reps @ 90 degrees palm down

– 10 reps @ 100, 110, etc Palm down depending on your restriction

– Finally you can lift the shoulder off the ground for 30 seconds to stretch out.

Test length / movement before and retest after. I like this pre and post-lifting, especially for any overhead movements #pullups #snatch #OHP # muscleups #physio #crossfit #rehab #WOD