XPhysio is open and here to help!


I hope you are well and trying to stay positive about the next month or so…

I just wanted to reassure you about the continuity of your ongoing treatment.

XPhysio remains remains…

With the announcement over the weekend, I want to update you on our services.

As healthcare providers, Physiotherapists are classified as an essential service.

XPhysio will remain open as normal.

We will continue to follow government guidelines as well as guidelines from Public Health England and our own regulating bodies. 

Your safety is paramount and we will continue to follow all covid-secure policies in order to remain open. XPhysio will keep you updated with any changes to government policy that affect our services.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any future treatment or upcoming sessions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.

See you soon.



German football efficiancy!

Just returned from a brilliant trip to Greece and Turkey! For my honeymoon no less!

Wanted to share a great little article I read in the BA business magazine about World cup… you have to admire the Germans!



We have the most entertaining league in the world no doubt but at what cost?