New Canary Wharf clinic – CrossFit Thames!


Physiotherapy @ CrossFit Thames

Sunday 13/08/17

 10-12 noon

 Emerson (XPhysio) is a sports Physiotherapist and CrossFitter. He works regularly with weightlifters, gymnasts, athletes and weekend warriors to assist them in staying healthy and reaching their training and competitive goals.

He will be running a FREE injury clinic on Sunday 13th August between 10-12 noon. These are 20 minute appointments for injury assessment and advice. So, if you are having any aches and pains that you are not sure about, new or are simply re-occurring, then pop in for a chat! The session will consist of a movement screen with emphasis on any specific injuries with advice.

I will then be holding regular weekly clinics at CrossFit Thames – WEDNESDAY PM!

You can book in by emailing:

 For information about how to book in for Physio, please speak to Coach Phil!